Mobile Gaming: Legal and practical considerations for navigating a fast-growing industry

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The Mobile games industry is on the rise, its revenue far surpassing other creative industries. With the potential for growth come a number of issues mobile games companies may need to consider, from regulation of in-game transactions to misleading marketing and tax challenges. Europe is one of the key regions for the development of mobile games, with the UK generating ca. £1.6m in revenue and Poland being home to influential video game companies including CD Project Red, the developer of Cyberpunk 2077.

The Digital Media Group in collaboration with Polish law firm Olesinski is delighted to host four legal and industry experts from Poland and the UK to help navigate key regulatory and practical issues in the mobile games sector. The webinar will cover topics including:

  • Regulation of loot boxes and other in-game functionalities
  • Protection of minors in relation to data privacy and in-game payments
  • Marketing/advertising of mobile games
  • Cross-border payments and taxation

Anna Atanasow, Fashion & Gaming Lawyer, Forbes’ Top 25 Women Lawyers in Business

Kostyantyn Lobov, Partner (Intellectual Property, Advertising and Regulatory), Harbottle
Sophie ArtemigiAward-winning indie game developer
Wojciech Fryze, Partner, Direct Taxes Practice Leader, Olesinski & Wspólnicy