E-Commerce, Jurisdiction and Choice of Law

Adrienne Seaman is an assistant solicitor in StephensonHarwood’s IT and Telecomms Unit. Her focus is increasingly on e-commerce andshe has recently been involved in advising a range of clients, includingretailers, financial service providers and banks on the establishment andoperation of Internet trade. The increasing importance of e-commerce is seen every day, with pressattention focusing on…

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Electronic Signatures: The Technical and Legal Ramifications

Stephen Mason is a Barrister who specialises in e-commerce,Information Technology and contract law. He is also a consultant to KaltonsSolicitors. Telephone 01462 701098 or 020 7278 1817; email scwm@scwm.co.uk. The fourth edition of his e-book, ‘The Year 2000: A guide tothe legal issues for business’ is available as a free download from www.reachoutmedia.com.The third edition…

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Mars and Bars on Software Protection

William Cook is a solicitor in the Intellectual Property andCommunications Groups at Simmons & Simmons, with particular experience inpatent litigation and advice relating to copyright and other forms of protectionof computer software. The recent decision in Mars UK Ltd v Teknowledge (11 June 1999) raisesimportant issues for companies making goods containing computer software, inparticular concerning…

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Future Regulation of E-commerce and Commercial Communications in the EU

Iain G. Mitchell QC, a member of the Scottish Committee of theSociety for Computers and Law, Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Lawyers’ EuropeanGroup, and a Senior Counsel at the Scottish Bar with an extensive civilpractice, reports on a joint meeting of the Scottish Group and the ScottishLawyers’ European Group held in Edinburgh on Thursday 22 January…

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